
Fat-dissolving is a revolutionary injectable solution designed for the non-surgical reduction of localized fat beneath the skin. This gel-based aqueous formula effectively dissolves fat cells and is both biocompatible and biodegradable. By administering fat-dissolving injections into the subcutaneous fat layer, we facilitate the breakdown of fat cells, allowing them to be naturally eliminated through the lymphatic system.

Fat-dissolving is a specialised formulation containing deoxycholic acid, which effectively absorbs and eliminates fat, allowing your body to excrete it naturally through the kidneys.

Treatment Process

The treatment involves a series of injections, utilising either a standard needle or a cannula. With a procedure duration of approximately 30 minutes, our expert practitioners precisely inject Aqualyx into the targeted areas, addressing your specific concerns.

Targeted Treatment Areas

Aqualyx offers versatile treatment options for various areas of concern. Commonly treated regions include the submental area (double chin), abdominal region (front and sides), saddlebags, hip contours, and even the knees. Experience the benefits of Aqualyx as it helps refine and reshape these areas to achieve your aesthetic goals.

Treatment Progress and Aftercare

Achieving your desired results with Aqualyx typically involves one to four sessions. While we generally recommend two to four treatments, our approach is tailored to your progress. Post-treatment care is crucial, as you may experience discomfort and soreness for a few days. Our comprehensive aftercare guidelines provide tips to manage swelling and discomfort effectively.


Around four to six weeks after treatment, you should begin noticing visible changes. Initial swelling will subside, revealing the gradual transformation achieved through Aqualyx. We understand concerns about discomfort, and to ensure a more comfortable experience, we incorporate lidocaine anesthesia into the Aqualyx solution.

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