Hay-fever injection

Our hay-fever injection involves a corticosteroid administered into the buttock. This medication boasts powerful anti-inflammatory properties that gently temper the immune system, preventing your body’s natural pollen response from becoming overwhelming. Within just 48 hours of treatment, you can begin to experience relief, and the effects can endure for up to three months.

The hay-fever injection involves administering a corticosteroid directly into the buttock. This medication possesses potent anti-inflammatory properties that gently modulate the immune response, preventing the body's natural reaction to pollen from becoming overwhelming. You can expect noticeable improvements within approximately 2 days of the injection, with effects lasting for up to 3 months.

All injections are personally administered by Dr. Mirza. A meticulous risk assessment will determine your suitability for the treatment. Furthermore, Dr. Mirza will provide comprehensive insights into potential side effects and the probable advantages of the procedure.

Severe hay-fever symptoms can ruin your summer and have a detrimental effect on quality of life and ability to work optimally.

During your consultation with Dr. Mirza, a comprehensive discussion of the entire spectrum of hay fever treatment options will take place. This thorough assessment will guide Dr. Mirza in determining whether the potential benefits of the treatment for severe hayfever outweigh any associated risks.

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